Why Middle-Aged Women Are Drinking More – And How They Can Soothe Their Nervous System Without Wine
Ask most middle-aged women how they are, and they’ll say “busy”, “stressed” or “overwhelmed”. Many use alcohol to “take the edge off”, not realising alcohol releases cortisol, which adds to stress. Middle-aged women are drinking more than ever before. One in 5 women aged between 45 and 60 is a binge drinker. Why? Simply: They have more life pressures than ever before.
5 Alarming Ways Drinking Impacts Menopause
If you’ve suspected drinking alcohol has an impact on menopause you’d be right. The hangovers are worse, mood swings more severe and sleep is more compromised than ever before.
8 Ways to Fast Track to Easy Sobriety
If you’ve asked yourself “When does sobriety get easier?” chances are you’re in the early stages of sobriety. You’re battling withdrawal, cravings and mood swings. Triggers pop up out of nowhere and everyone wants to know “Why aren’t you drinking?”
Why We Should Stop Using the Term ‘Alcoholic’
What comes to mind when you think of the term 'alcoholic'? Homelessness, drinking out of a paper bag, shaking hands reaching for a drink every morning and shadowy, shameful addiction meetings in the basement of a church? That’s what most people think about the term alcoholic.
How To Prepare For A 30-Day Alcohol Free Challenge
If you’ve decided to quit drinking for 30 days here’s how you can prepare yourself – emotionally and physically. If you’ve decided to quit drinking for 30 days read this first for your best chance at success.
3 Reasons Why Alcohol Affects Women Differently To Men
If you’ve suspected alcohol affects women differently to men you’d be right. Here’s why.
Sober And Can’t Sleep? Here’s Why (and what to do)
If you’re recently sober and can’t sleep you need a sleep schedule, extra supplements and exercise.
I’m 3 Years Sober. Here’s What I Know For Sure.
What does it feel like to be 3 years sober? I’m looking back on the good, bad, and yep, the ugly parts.
What Mum ACTUALLY Needs On Mother’s Day (it’s not wine)
What mum actually needs on Mother’s Day is NOT wine. She needs a new way to soothe her nervous system.
The Top 10 Benefits of Living Alcohol Free
There are countless benefits to living alcohol-free. Many are physical. Some are emotional. They are all deeply personal. From simply ‘feeling better’, sleeping well, and waking up bursting with pride each day, to better skin, weight loss, and a jump in productivity. Here are my top 10 benefits of living alcohol-free.
10 Questions EVERYONE Asks When You Quit Drinking
IF you’ve quit drinking, prepare yourself for 10 questions EVERYONE asks. They swing from ‘Are you an alcoholic?’ to Why can’t you have one drink?’ and ‘Isn’t sobriety really boring?’ Drinkers are often confronted, bewildered, and uncomfortable around sobriety and the awkward questions get blurted out. Not sure what to say? I’ve got you!
10 Tips To Changing Your Drinking Habits
Ready to change your drinking habits? And you want to make it stick this time? You’ll need a plan for triggers, plenty of support and an honest look at your WHY. It all starts with WANTING to change.
Why Join A Sobriety Course:5 Signs You’re Ready
You’ve been thinking of joining a sobriety course but - how do you know if you’re ready? And what’s a sobriety course all about anyway? Enrolling in a structured and supported program to help you change your mindset around drinking alcohol is a big decision. It’s personal - and probably wasn’t made overnight. Here’s what a sobriety course will teach you - and 5 signs you’re ready.
People-Pleasing – Why We Do It and How to Stop!
Are you a people pleaser? Often people-pleasing goes hand-in-hand with grey area drinking. We let our boundaries wobble and we put others first because we are in ‘just coping’ mode. We bury our own true needs to simply ‘get through the day’. We go above and beyond to make other people feel good and we put other people’s opinion of us over our own opinion! The thoughts, judgement and approval of others become our drive.
I fell hard for the Mummy Wine Culture Myth
When I shared my experience of the mummy wine culture in the major Australian publication, MamaMia, I was overwhelmed by the response from thousands of women who contacted me to say ‘That’s my story too.’ Women who, like me, had noticed their alcohol consumption slowly but surely creeping up after having children, where the days blur into one and weekdays are no different to Friday nights.
The 5 Pillars of Sobriety (And Why They Are Crucial)
The 5 pillars of sobriety are Movement, Connection, Balance, Routine and Growth. Apply them to your life and you’ll find going alcohol-free easier, more enjoyable and most importantly, sustainable in the long term.
I’ve been Sober For 1000 Days… Here’s Why My Sobriety Feels More Meaningful Than Ever
This milestone of 1000 days of sobriety feels bigger and more meaningful than any other. I’m finally standing still long enough to truly reflect on what a brilliant achievement this is and allowing myself to bask in the glory of what it has meant to me - and all those around me.
8 Signs You’re A Grey Area Drinker – And What To Do About It
How do you know if you’re a grey area drinker – and what to do next? It takes a moment of reflection to truly look at your relationship with alcohol.
How to make quitting drinking a New Year’s Resolution (that actually sticks)
Is quitting drinking one of your New Year’s resolutions? And you want it to STICK? Quitting drinking takes planning and a little soul searching. Here’s how to successfully quit drinking in January – and set yourself up for lasting success.
Emotional Bingeing: Why it happens and 10 ways to stop
Do you find yourself reaching for chocolate and opening a bottle of wine when you’re feeling upset or down? Using food and alcohol to ‘comfort’ ourselves is common. But ‘bingeing’ feels out of control. There’s overwhelming guilt and shame afterwards, and you might hide ‘the evidence’ to keep bingeing a secret.