For years I’ve been asked to offer an ongoing support program, and now it’s finally here!

The Midlife Hub was created as a supportive, private, intimate community for like-minded women in their midlives on this path of navigating everything we women encounter at this stage of our lives.

This is an Exclusive Membership for women in their midlives wanting to go deep into exploring the topics that impact us the most

✔️ Ageing
✔️ Relationships
✔️ Parenting
✔️ Menopause
✔️ Sobriety
✔️ Self-growth

…and more!

The support & community created just
for you if you are…

✔️ Currently in midlife and despite accomplishing so much so far in your life, you’re often left feeling overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted, and find yourself questioning ‘Is this it?’

✔️ You’re sober or sober curious and are looking for tools, strategies, community and connection to inspire you on a journey of self-growth

✔️ You crave to go deeper and uncover your authentic self, step into your power and live a happier, more joyous life

If this sounds like you, look no further!

Imagine a Midlife That Looks Like…

✅ Being deeply aware of the best way to nourish yourself and your body through perimenopause, menopause and beyond

✅ Developing a robust toolkit of strategies and tools to support you in feeling calmer and less overwhelmed

✅ Knowing you have a tribe of like-minded women ‘in your pocket’ to reach out to at any time who ‘get’ what you're going through makes you feel seen, heard, and understood.

✅ Having more energy, confidence, and clarity with a team of cheerleaders cheering for you every step of the way!

What The Midlife Hub Is All About, Who Is It For, And Why You Should Join

Join now our exclusive membership now!

“I feel like I’ve finally found my tribe, a group of like-minded women who are supportive, kind and open. What an incredible group to be a part of.”

- Paula

“Thank you so much Sarah, for creating this space filled with warmth and support. A few weeks ago, I was at the airport browsing through books before my flight, and I picked up Jada Pinkett Smith’s Worthy. I opened a page at random and read the sentence: Find your tribe. This is how it feels to be in this group. 💖”

- Magda, UK

“Sarah, I am absolutely loving The Hub. Everything about the Hub is good, so, so good. Thank you for bringing us together. Big love to you and all the girls and all the Hubsters.”

- Cathy, Canberra

“I finally feel like I've found my tribe. Thank you Sarah for creating this safe space to learn, connect, share and be brave enough to dream big. This group is changing my life!”

- Jane, Brisbane

The Midlife Hub’s 4 Pillars

Nutrition & Movement

We will talk about alcohol, food, supplements, brain health, foods for menopause, accountability and inspiration for maintaining movement goals!


We will talk about friends, partners, kids! We’ll have guest experts coming into the Hub offering education and support around parenting, partners and sex in midlife, changing friendships, how to make NEW friends…and all that good stuff!

Self Growth

We’ll set themes around goals, personal goal setting, setting boundaries, creating deeper self-connection and self-awareness


With ongoing tools and strategies for nervous system regulation to feel more calm, content, relaxed and able to experience more joy in your day to day life

What Does The Membership Include?

✔️ A Monthly Masterclass with me, Sarah, in one of the 4 Pillars

✔️ Monthly Guest Expert Workshops to watch live or on replay covering a wide range of relevant topics to continue building the foundations of your sobriety including hormones, menopause, sugar cravings, natural health techniques, sex and relationship therapists, people-pleasing, setting boundaries.

✔️ A Membership Portal with an extensive library of resources broken down into easy to navigate sections including guest expert talks, meditations, podcasts, articles, journaling prompts, and all previously recorded workshops run by Sarah

✔️ Weekly live check ins to keep you on track

✔️ Private Facebook group for ongoing support, connection, and friendship

Join now our exclusive community now!


AU $69
Every month

(approx. £37 per month)


AU $199
Every quarter

(approx. £102 per quarter)


AU $799
Every year

(approx. £409 per year)

“Since joining the Hub, I feel so energized and positive about my life moving forward. I’m setting and hitting my weekly goals and love all the information. Thank you for creating this safe space for us, Sarah.“


“If I hadn't found you Sarah and this group, I wouldn't be where I am now! I'm so grateful for helping me on this journey I've been on, and the knowledge I've learned is amazing, as is all the support from the ladies. You are changing lives!“

-Mel, Perth

“I feel so connected to this group of women, and I feel like it is going to be life-changing for me. Thank you for creating this space for us.“

-Jacqui, Sydney

🎁 Special Membership Bonus!

Like many, you may have come into my world through one of my Alcohol Free Challenges, interviews or other outlets where I talk about Sobriety at great length.

However, even though we will certainly be talking about Sobriety as well, The Midlife Hub won't have a theme specifically of 'Sobriety'.

Instead, you will receive complimentary access to all my Challenges and Paid Workshops throughout the year for as long as you have an active Membership! (And YES! That includes my infamous Alcohol Free Challenges!)

Join the Midlife Hub now!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Subscription payments (either monthly, quarterly or yearly, depending on the plan you’ve chosen) will be deducted from your debit/credit card used upon sign-up. There is a minimum 3-Month Commitment, and after that initial 3 months you may cancel with a 30-day notice by sending us an email at

  • Yes, and the number will be capped to ensure intimacy and group connection. There will also be the chance to meet like-minded women in your local area for real-life connections.

  • The Monthly Masterclasses with Sarah will be hosted via Zoom. Can’t attend live? No worries! You will gain access to a dedicated Member’s Portal where the recordings of Sarah’s Masterclasses as well as the Expert Talks Sarah has done over the last 2 years with an incredible range of experts are available for you to watch at your leisure!

  • Absolutely—this isn’t a group specific to sobriety and is for women in midlife who want the best for themselves. Though, it probably is not for you if alcohol features heavily in your life.

  • Absolutely! There are plenty of opportunities to interact with Sarah. You can get support from Sarah in the Facebook group, during Sarah’s weekly live motivational chats/check-ins, as well as in monthly Zoom Masterclasses with Sarah.

  • Not at all. Sarah will change up the times of live talks and masterclasses to accommodate members from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres!

The community awaits you!
Join us today!

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