Why Middle-Aged Women Are Drinking More – And How They Can Soothe Their Nervous System Without Wine

Ask most middle-aged women how they are, and they’ll say “busy”, “stressed” or “overwhelmed”. Many use alcohol to “take the edge off”, not realising alcohol releases cortisol, which adds to stress. Middle-aged women are drinking more than ever before. One in 5 women aged between 45 and 60 is a binge drinker. Why? Simply: They have more life pressures than ever before.

Many middle-aged women are simultaneously parenting, caring for ageing parents, working full-time and running a household. Add to that the pressure to be successful, social, AND cope with the onset of perimenopause or menopause. Understandably, many are struggling to soothe their nervous systems. They are in a constant state of “flight or fight”. They become what’s called “sympathetic dominant” – where they are STUCK in “flight or fight” mode and can’t find their off switch.

What happens when you can’t switch off?

Switching “off” is vital for bodily function and repair. Your autonomic nervous system is the control system of bodily functions like heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, urination and sexual arousal. When women are in “flight or flight” mode, and unable to switch off, their body can’t function properly. The parasympathetic mode is “rest and digest” – in order for the body to function properly and repair itself. What does “rest and digest” mode feel like? It's the feeling you have after a massage or during a yoga class. You can think clearly and feel tension and muscle aches ‘melting’ away. 

Why middle-aged women struggle to soothe their nervous system

Simply put, they can’t slow down. They are in “ON” mode at all times, juggling work outcomes with ongoing, exhausting caregiving. They often feel like self-care or taking time out, will result in a collapse in their relationship or family structure. They feel guilt for prioritising themselves over the people they love.  


5 ways middle-aged women can soothe their nervous systems (without wine)

1.    Meditation.

Now is the time in life when meditation matters most. The ability to still a racing mind, ease anxiety and effectively “check-out” (without alcohol) is paramount. Download a meditation app and start with 10 minutes a day.

2.    Support your sleep cycle.

When we are sleep-deprived we have increased levels of stress hormones and poor cognitive health. Committing to a sleep routine and getting 8-9 hours of sleep every night is vital to soothing your nervous system. Add lavender oil to your diffuser, black out your bedroom and turn off all screens an hour before bedtime. Meditate as part of your sleep routine.

3.    Cut back on coffee.

Too much coffee increases heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol. It can increase anxiety, muscular tension, indigestion, irritability and decrease your immunity. Try cutting coffee back to one coffee a day.

4.    Bodywork.

Getting a massage, chakra balancing, craniosacral therapy or reflexology will all help to turn off your stress hormones and allow your body some deep relaxation. These therapies can relieve tension deep within and allow your body to go to work repairing itself.

5.    Acupuncture.

Acupuncture points on the body stimulate the central nervous system which creates chemicals and energy that effectively turns “on” your body’s healing abilities.

Is balance possible? Yes!

Balancing the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system is essential for healing – and it is possible. When they are in balance we digest food better, sleep better and feel emotionally better. Middle-aged women who soothe their nervous system and achieve balance are better able to cope when life throws curveballs. They feel less frayed, more grounded.


P.S. Like to learn more about mid-life, menopause and feeling less stressed and more balanced? Get your hands on my Menopause Info Pack and use the code MENOMONTH to get $60 off! Check out the Menopause Info Pack HERE.


Menopause Info Pack

Learn everything you should know about Menopause with this bundle of expert interviews from world-leading experts in Menopause!

This pack has been compiled to empower you with the knowledge and information to help you manage your symptoms, get appropriate help and understand the nutrition, lifestyle and exercise factors that can massively impact how your body manages this huge hormonal change. Use MENOMONTH code and get $60 off the price.


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