Why October Is the Perfect Time to Take a Break From Booze?

Why is October the perfect time to take a break from alcohol?

Imagine this:

It’s Christmas morning and you wake up groggy, exhausted, and overwhelmed. Your anxiety is high, and your energy is low. You’ve been drinking consistently through the end-of-year madness and now you’re feeling stressed and stretched. You know you’ll have to drag yourself through the holidays making sure everyone else has a good time.


Now, imagine this instead:

It’s Christmas morning and you wake up fresh, energized, feeling organised and ready to be present and enjoy the day. You’ve taken a break from alcohol and you’re feeling fitter, lighter and more in control. You’re less anxious about the holidays and having everything done – because you’re approaching it lightly this year, from a place of calm and you feel organised, efficient and you’re still including plenty of ‘me time’ in your schedule.


This is the reason why October is the perfect time to stop drinking for 30 days (and beyond).

The health benefits of 30 days of sobriety set you up ready for a busy time that, as women and mothers, is fraught with exhaustion. The final few months of the year can be overwhelming as women prepare for family holidays, wrap up work for the school year and attempt to “Catch up before Christmas” with everyone they know.

Are you ready to try something different this year? Let’s take a closer look…


Why October is the perfect time to stop drinking

1.    Think of how you’ll feel the week before Christmas.

Here’s a week fraught with stress and overwhelm. Giving yourself 30 days in October to kickstart sobriety and establish a new alcohol-free lifestyle will have you feeling very different in the week before Christmas. No doubt you’ll be feeling less anxious, lighter and will be feeling clear-headed and in control.

2.    The festive season requires a LOT of energy.

Mothers and women generally feel they are dragging themselves through the end of year – and especially the holidays. That’s because they are exhausted and their To Do lists are a mile long. Give yourself a break from alcohol and you will boost your energy at a time when you need it most.

3.    A clear New Year.

Sure, you could stop drinking for 30 days in January but why not give yourself a head start in October? That way you’ll go into the New Year already bursting with energy, clarity and confidence. You’ll be able to set new goals for the New Year knowing you can stick to achieving them.


What happens when we stop drinking for 30 days (or more)

1)   You’ll sleep better.

Alcohol is a depressant which is why it throws your sleep cycle off balance by slowing down the nervous system. Not drinking for 30 days leads to significant improvements in sleep and sleep quality. Without alcohol you’ll sleep more deeply.

2)   Improved mood.

Alcohol floods the brain with dopamine which is why we feel a rush of pleasure when we have that first glass of wine. But that rush of feel-good chemicals can cause anxiety to flare up as soon as the levels begin to drop. Give up alcohol and your overall mood and mental health will benefit.

3)   Reduce inflammation.

Cutting alcohol for 30 days can reduce joint pain, headaches and body aches. That’s because alcohol can lead to systemic inflammation throughout your entire body. Because alcohol is often made with sugars and wheat, a time of sobriety helps avoid these inflammation triggers too.


What else happens in 30 days of sobriety? Your skin starts to glow, your eyes will become clear. Your face will lose its puffiness. You may lose weight, you’ll have more energy and a clearer head. Best of all, you’ll feel proud of yourself!


If you’re curious about how you might feel after 30 days of not drinking, join my Alcohol-Free Challenge in October.  It’s 30 days of support, community, daily accountability and friendship, expert talks and loads of information to make it a month of learning, support and empowerment!

You can sign up here:


Join the October Alcohol Free Challenge!

Curious about taking a break from booze? Would like to give your body a chance to detox and reset? Join hundreds of women in my next Alcohol Free Challenge, and get 30 days of information, support and community!


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