Join my October 2022
30-Day Alcohol Free Challenge

30 Days of Support, Connection and Resources to successfully change your habits, patterns and mindset around alcohol


Are you ready to change your habits, behaviours and mindset around alcohol, but don’t know how to start?

Then my 30-day Alcohol Free Challenge is the perfect starting point.

Let me help you feel energised, motivated, positive, healthy and focused while sharing ALL the resources and information that has helped me to completely change my mindset and habits around alcohol.. As one of Australia’s only accredited Grey Area Drinking Coaches, I provide a comprehensive approach to support you change your relationship and mindset around alcohol - for good.

I absolutely love supporting women across the globe to discover all the benefits of taking a break from booze, which for me have included:

Better Sleep ✔
Improved self-esteem ✔
Weight loss ✔
Glowing skin ✔
More time ✔
Better relationships ✔
Save money ✔
Improved health ✔
Improved energy and mental clarity ✔
New friendships and connections with like-minded women on the same path ✔
An amazing journey of self-discovery, self-compassion and self-love ✔

As the saying goes 'nothing changes if nothing changes' and perhaps you will find, like so many others, that this change is the catalyst to so many other wonderful and incredible changes in your life!

Join the Challenge now for just AU $147!

Why Join The AF Challenge?

“Sarah has changed my life. Whilst I wouldn’t consider myself an alcoholic by any means I know that my drinking was affecting my life negatively and I had to do something about it. I never realised the impact she would have on my mindset, drive and future. Sarah has opened my eyes to realise that alcohol stunts the potential of us all. The sky really is the limit when you are armed with the knowledge that she provides from her experience, research (never known anyone who can quote passages and authors like she can!) and expert talks. If you ever think that your drinking is suddenly not playing a positive role in your life I highly recommend you sign up for one of her challenges and be inspired! Thank you Sarah I am forever grateful xx”

- Kristy, Victoria, July Challenge Participant

“A life changer for me as not only have I walked away from wine but it has started a rollercoaster of learnings and self improvements for me. I wish I had found Sarah earlier. The support of the group and Sarah herself with her daily communications, talks, interviews etc. was SO much more than I could have hoped for. I have learned so much about myself. If you are on the fence - don't hesitate - just do it. Thanks Sarah - see you again at Rediscovering Me x”

- Karen, Melbourne, July Challenge Participant

“Joining this challenge was the best thing I have ever done for myself - and for my family. Sarah and her forums, guest speakers, references to resources and participants all came together and supported one another in such an amazing way. It was totally unexpected but also totally necessary once you start to understand the layers of grey area drinking and just what alcohol does to the body on so many levels. I look forward to continuing the sober journey within the support network that Sarah has pulled together. Thank you Sarah!!”

- Julie, Gold Coast, July Challenge Participant

What’s Included In This 30-Day Challenge?

➔ Daily Talks and Daily Accountability for 30 days

These daily talks are the absolute foundation of this challenge and the reason for it’s HUGE success. We go deep into discussing a wide range of important topics including: (this is just a snapshot!)

  • Managing those 5pm cravings

  • Navigating our friendships and relationships when we aren’t drinking

  • How our hormones impact our cravings and how you can support yourself

  • The 7 most common reasons we crave alcohol and what to do about them

  • Building a toolkit of new strategies to manage stress and overwhelm outside the evening wine

  • How alcohol affects our sleep and how to get a great night’s sleep

  • Sugar cravings and how to manage them

  • Sober socialising

  • Changing our entire mindset around alcohol and challenging our long held beliefs

  • The daily accountability check in is a huge component of the success my ladies experience in these challenges.

➔ Guest Expert Interviews

Access to incredible Guest expert interviews including:

  • Best Selling International Authors

  • Trail Blazers in the AF world

  • Nutrition and Hormone experts

  • Addiction and recovery experts

  • Real life stories from fellow mums and grey area drinkers sharing their inspirational true stories of why they knew they had to change their relationship with alcohol and how they did it. (see just a selection of the incredible guest experts below)

➔ Private Facebook Group

There is nothing like being in a community of other women doing the same challenge at the same time; inspiring, supporting and encouraging each other. The secret to the huge success so many of my ladies experience (many of whom have tried EVERYTHING to stop drinking in the past) is the community we created in this group. It’s truly magical. Friendships are formed across the globe and it’s like having your own personal cheer squad! Past members always say that the community is one of the most valuable things they get from the challenge!

➔ A Printable Workbook PDF

A PDF Workbook which you can print out for journaling and recording your own personal journey.

➔ My Personal Library of Extensive Resources

ALL the resources that helped me find freedom from booze including books, podcasts, blog posts and ted talks. You will be so inspired and informed and I always say - you can’t not know what you now know. This challenge will change your whole mindset around alcohol.

➔ Constant Access to My Skills, Candid Honesty and Genuine Desire for You to Succeed!

Tap into my accredited skills, knowledge and experience gained from 5 years on the sober journey, professional qualification in wellness coaching and professional qualification in 'Grey Area Drinking' (read more about my background HERE). Also my candid honesty and genuine desire for you to succeed and experience the wonders that I have since ditching the booze!

Join the Challenge now for just AU $147!

“I had my 'never again' moment 12 days before the July '22 challenge started, and hadn't had a drink in those days. I've been a nightly drinker for too long and had come across Sarah's Facebook group. The challenge came at a perfect time for me. I knew I needed more knowledge, tips and tools to help me along the way. Determination doesn't last forever and I wanted to be prepared. This course delivers everything I could have hoped for and more. Daily talks, videos & zoom meetings made me feel like, I was part of a new community. And if I missed one, I could catch up when I could. The knowledge I have now, I will have with me always. The fact that Sarah, reads & comments on everyone’s posts, giving support & advice, shows how committed she is. I would normally, just read but never comment in a Facebook group, but I felt so at ease, with the group, that I felt comfortable enough to participate. 100% recommend.”

- Lynn, Scotland, July Challenge Participant

“When I joined Sarah’s Alcohol Free Challenge, I was already on the path to being alcohol free so wasn’t sure if there was much to benefit from the challenge. The opposite was true. It has strengthened my resolve and commitment to stay on the sober journey. The information and motivation provided by Sarah and h the guest speakers was fantastic. More so, the connection, support and sense of community with a beautiful group of women, who are also making difficult changes, was invaluable.”

- Leah, Sydney, July Challenge Participant

“The content in this challenge is just so valuable! Daily videos helped keep me on track, and gave me the tools I needed to deal with each step of the way. Guest speakers were all so relatable and knowledgeable. I loved all the book and podcast recommendations, and the Facebook group was an amazing source of inspiration and support. I cannot recommend this challenge any more highly - it definitely overdelivered and I am so grateful to have completed the challenge, and be on my way to a much healthier and happier me! Thank you so much Sarah!”

- Lauren, Townsville, July Challenge Participant

This Challenge is for you if…

✔️ You're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and would like to give yourself a break from alcohol.

✔️ You want to change your MINDSET and HABITS around alcohol so you aren't relying on it as such a crutch in your everyday life.

✔️ You're concerned that your drinking habits have been creeping up. While you don't consider yourself an 'alcoholic' you do feel uncomfortable about the role alcohol plays in your life.

✔️ Previous attempts to take a break from alcohol have been hard due to peer pressure, not having the accountability or not having the connection with others on the same path (because I know how lonely it is when it feels like everyone around you is still drinking).

✔️ You want support to help build a toolkit of some other coping mechanisms (outside of the nightly wine) to help when you feel stressed, tired or need to just 'take the edge off'.

✔️ You've tried to take a break in the past but all good intentions slip aside when 5pm hits and the wine witch comes calling. Or you successfully take a month off but then head straight back into the same drinking patterns as if it never happened.

If you answer yes to any of these questions, this 30-day challenge is perfect for you.

Whether you plan to take a month off (or longer), doing it with the help and support of a trained and Accredited Grey Area Drinking Coach will provide you with all the resources, support and connection you need for success. And the best part? You do it all in the company of an intimate and supportive group of women on the same path.

Join the Challenge now for just AU $147!

“Sarah’s challenge was relevant and on point. She is honest and down to earth and her experiences were relatable and made me feel comfortable. She is attentive and responsive to messages and comments irrespective of the global nature of participants and that personal touch was key to making the group members engaged and feeling heard and cared for. Great range of speakers and it wasn’t used as a marketing and sales platform like many other groups. Highly recommend.”

- Charlotte, Christchurch, July Challenge Participant

“Dive in to Sarah Rusbatch's amazing and fun (yes, fun!) world of sobriety if you're in any way concerned about your drinking; if you're wondering if there are better ways to deal with stress, anxiety, and bad days, or if there are other ways to make yourself feel better. Come and take some time to think and reflect on your personal relationship with alcohol in an incredibly supportive group who are all wondering the same thing as you: is my relationship with alcohol harming me and my family? I have been a fairly heavy drinker for over 40 years and Sarah's challenge has me motivated to see the world as a much larger and more exciting place than the small world I was creating for myself!”

- Jennie

“I was a heavy home drinker for many years before and after I had children. It was my way to hide my shyness and cope with life when I felt anxious. I had told my doctors many times that I drank too much and that I also felt depressed. They just put me on antidepressants and told me to see a counsellor. This didn't work. if anything it made me gain weight and feel even more depressed. I saw Sarah Rusbatch AF Challenge advertised and thought this may be my way to help myself without pills. Well I have been sober now for 33 days, I have started to lose weight, my brain and mind feel clear and I actually don't care about alcohol anymore. I feel empowered to say no. Today is the day that you need to make the change and go alcohol free, with support from Sarah Rusbatch and other women from around the world. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, just like me.”

- Leonie

 Guest Expert Interviews

Alex and Lisa - Bee Sober

Bee Sober is the only Sober Community that offers everything people could need in one place. Lisa and Alex are life-long best friends and founders of Bee Sober CIC, a non-profit multi-award winning community with a difference. Sobriety can be full of unexpected challenges and difficulties, but with the help of their support group, nobody has to go at it alone.

They started Bee Sober with a vision to connect people living a sober or sober curious lifestyle to help them feel less alone and show them that you can still have fun without alcohol. Bee Sober is so much more than just ditching the booze or your average sober community, it's a lifestyle choice and they pride themselves in the safe space they have created for their members. 

Faye Lawrence

Faye works with people who know that drinking is no longer serving them, who want to make change and want to unlock their freedom, personal power and potential. 

Faye has been there and worn the t-shirt. She was a high-functioning heavy drinker for decades before finally getting sober in 2017. 

Faye holds a degree in psychology, is a certified Grey Area Drinker coach, and is well versed in all things trauma (both academically and having lived it). She founded Untoxicated, Australia’s largest alcohol free social and peer support community and has supported hundreds of Australians to change their relationship with booze.

Kate Rowe-Ham

Kate Rowe-Ham is a Women's Health Coach with a special interest in menopause fitness and nutrition. She is also the founder of the Owning Your Menopause App.

Kate is also a qualified personal trainer specialising in exercise for women of all ages and abilities. Kate has three children of her own and is passionate about helping women achieve mental and physical wellbeing through exercise. Kate’s goal is to show women that even when exercise is the last thing on your mind, it can be the key to getting through a bad day and can give you that little boost to feel you’ve got this.

Sober Jo

Jo has been sober for three years and has seen firsthand the difference that it has made to her life. Jo trained to become a coach in order to help others who have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Her mission is to support people on their Sober Journey through community and coaching. Jo will be sharing her story and journey to sobriety and aims to offer guidance to people throughout their journey, helping them discover their real sober truths. 

William Porter

Author of 2 incredible books - Alcohol Explained and Alcohol Explained 2, William's work has been a HUGE inspiration to me on my own journey of removing alcohol. My talk with William will focus on alcohol and anxiety - what you will learn in this talk will completely change your mindset around that 'one drink to take the edge off'! We will also discuss how to make sobriety stick long term.

Victoria Vanstone

Host of the brilliant Sober Awkward podcast and the Blog ‘Drunk Mummy Sober Mummy’. Our last conversation was so inspiring and many of the woman stated it was their absolute favourite talk so we are super excited to be joining together again to talk all things sobriety, rediscovering your identity after alcohol, unpacking WHY we drank and how we then went on to create a fulfilled, happy and connected life without the booze.

Stephanie Grosvenor

Steph is a Nutritionist with incredible knowledge on how to begin healing our body after we make the decision to take a break from alcohol. Did you know that alcohol is the number 1 cause of Leaky Gut? With the wisdom and knowledge that Steph will share, you will have all the info you need to begin the repair process of your liver, gut and kidneys. You won't want to miss this!

Liz McCormish

Liz is a Counsellor, Somatic Therapist, Trauma Trained Yoga Teacher and the founder of EmbodiMe which offers a variety of services to people searching for deep, down-to-earth healing through your body. 

Liz believes you can heal your life through your body and works with individuals and groups to support people to identify and heal trauma, anxiety, depression and myriad emotional and mental health influences that impede upon them living the life they truly desire. Liz is also the host of The Feminine Experience Podcast and will be discussing why women drink and how to soothe your nervous system without alcohol.

Sally McGrath

Sally is an author and health educator, who works with corporate organisations, businesses, and individuals to empower you to prevent burnout, learn about mental health hygiene, and achieve a sustainable work-life balance.

If you’re dealing with a stressful corporate career and experiencing soul-crushing burnout, you’re not alone. Sally experienced firsthand how bleak life can feel while you’re in the midst, or even on the verge of it. Her programs are created for real women to stop burnout from becoming a reality.Sally will show you a series of effective techniques to identify the sources of imbalance & set things right so you regain your zest for life.

…and more!

It took me almost two years to sign up for the challenge and I finally did so thinking that it was to 'reset' and 'just be a social drinker'. Armed with all the new-found knowledge and support from Sarah and the group I now have clarity around alcohol and where I was potentially heading. Simply put, the many and varied benefits of not drinking are gobsmacking and I am shocked at how much I didn't know! I would recommend Sarah and this challenge to any woman who even has a vague concern around alcohol consumption. There's nothing to lose and a new perspective on life to gain!"

- Julie, Perth, July Challenge Participant

Sarah is just amazing! During the July Challenge Sarah was so generous with her time and knowledge. It really stood out that Sarah was checking in on everyone's posts in the group and tailoring her talks to address any questions or challenges we were facing. This is not a one size fits all course, if you throw yourself into it 100% you will get 200% back from Sarah!!

- Karen, NSW, July Challenge Participant

“If you’re questioning the impact of alcohol on your life, this challenge will provide you with the support you need to take a break and stay the distance, whilst providing you with more learnings about alcohol than you could ever predict. You will get way more bang for your buck than you realise and at the end be surprised by the toolkit you have built to walk away with. It’s a non-judgemental environment with as many resources as you care to tap into and facilitated by Sarah who is as committed to the group and the cause, as anyone I have worked with.”

- Nicole, October Challenge participant

Expect support and discussion on these important topics throughout the challenge in the form of live videos in our private Facebook group, as well as interviews with experts!

✔ Coping with those 5 pm cravings

✔ Managing socialising and events without alcohol

✔ Building a toolkit of other resources to support us when we are stressed, overwhelmed, tired, angry, frustrated (instead of just reaching for wine!)

✔ Navigating friendships when all our friends are still drinking

✔ Alcohol and our hormones and why alcohol affects us more as we age

✔ Nutritional support when we remove alcohol

✔ Changes in our menstrual cycle

✔ Relationships and how they change (including sober sex and what to do if our partner is still drinking and we are not)

✔ Moderation and mindset around alcohol

✔ Building our pillars of support whether we are long term sober or for the month

✔ Recognising triggers

✔ Changing habits and creating new (healthier!) ones

Join the Challenge now for just AU $147!

I’ve just finished Sarah’s dry July, what a ride! A month packed with fascinating information, live talks and amazing interviews. We also got to support each other in our Facebook group, and though I don’t usually do social media I found the group wonderfully honest, down to earth and sincerely supportive, it was great help. Thanks for your energy and enthusiasm over these 4 weeks Sarah, love your work!"

- Susan, Melbourne, July Challenge Participant

“For those who are thinking of taking a break from alcohol or giving it up entirely, I would highly recommend joining Sarah’s Challenge. The knowledge and support you will receive from Sarah is priceless and also the camaraderie between the group was wonderful. I learnt so much from Sarah the guest speakers and the other ladies. If you’re thinking about it, DO IT!!”

- Jodie, July Challenge Participant

I found the challenge very supportive and informative. Sarah provided a huge amount of facts, figures and a variety of information in the form of websites, podcasts and books which is so helpful when giving up alcohol. Once you know the information and what it does to you, you can't unknow it. The closed FB group was supportive also and it helped to realise that there were other people out there going through a similar experience

- Jo, Victoria, July Challenge Participant

FAQ's And The Answers From Previous Participants

Q: What did you love most about the challenge?

“I really enjoyed the education about alcohol and what it does to our bodies. Also loved the live videos and being able to rewatch the one's I missed due to work.”

“Sarah's content and delivery turbocharge you toward hitting and holding down that big, old 'I am not going to drink' button. “

“The education and the constant support from Sarah's lives, posts and other women in the challenge.”

“The information about hormones.“

“The honesty of the conversations, the group in which the ladies supported each other and how Sarah always took the time to acknowledge each individual person.”

Q: What has been your biggest takeaway from the challenge?

“What I have learnt about alcohol and its impact on the body.”

“Alcohol’s effect on the body and hearing like-minded women's stories.”

““You can't un-know what you now know... Nice one Sarah... you live in my brain now... LOL.”

“I don’t want to drink again!”

“So much knowledge! So much support! Sarah and others she interviewed showing how good life can be AF!”

“That there is a world of possibilities that I never knew. I understand the science and psychology of alcohol use much better.”

Q: Has the challenge changed your mindset around alcohol?

“Totally changed my mindset. I believe that I will be able to remain alcohol free forever - but taking it one day at a time.”

“Definitely... From: I don't want to drink To: There is no f#cking way I am going to drink.”

“Yes. I truly wish I had learnt all of these years ago and saved so much of my time.”

“I was ready to stop it simply cemented my reasons why.”

“I feel my mindset has changed and the world won't end if I'm not drinking alcohol anymore.”

“That there is a world of possibilities that I never knew. I understand the science and psychology of alcohol use much better.”

Watch Sarah’s latest interview with Channel 10!

“If you’re beginning to think about your drinking habits being problematic - even in the slightest, you NEED to do this challenge.

If you’re beginning to think that the drink/moderate/not drinking/drinking again/trying to moderate cycle is absolutely not serving you, you NEED to do this challenge.

If those wine bottles seem to add up rather quickly as you pop your bins out to be collected each week, you NEED to do this challenge.

If you seem to make ‘reasons’ or ‘excuses’ as to why you’re at the pub again, ordering your 4th glass of wine without realising, you NEED to do this challenge.

If you’re like me - a high functioning, career-driven, family orientated mum who needs to create a whole lot more clarity in their lives, you NEED to do this challenge.

I’m absolutely the best evidence of someone who came across Sarah’s website without even looking - and as fate would have it, it’s exactly what I needed to do.

I didn’t think that my drinking was what it had become - I was stressed, feeling defeated and knew there was a much better life out there for me.

Sarah is without doubt, the best person who offers this form of coaching. I have woken up each day excited about what I was about to learn from her and the guidance she has provided is truly life changing. The podcasts, interviews and live chats are so well presented and I can guarantee that they will connect with everyone’s story and life contexts - no matter your situation.

If you have just the slightest ‘inkling’ that your beliefs and behaviours around alcohol may need some challenging, and possibly changing, the AF challenge is what you need.

Thank you SO much Sarah. I’m definitely joining up again for the next AF challenge. I can’t wait!”

- Ellie, NSW

As Seen On

When I asked ladies in the last group to complete the sentence “Sobriety is...” this is what they had to say

Sobriety is…

“Feeling good every day” (Lynda)

“Time, connections, resilience, happiness, money” (Wendy)

“Freedom!!!” (Zoe)

“Being mentally present” (Jennifer)

“Better than expected” (Anna)

“My superpower” (Zoe)

“Hello ME!!!” (Monique)

“Better than expected, I finally understand being ‘present’” (Sophie)

“Being your authentic self” (Vicky)

“Happiness that I didn’t even know existed” (Louise)

“No longer dealing with the morning after ‘fear’” (Gale)

“No longer waking with hangxiety palpitations at 3am” (Kelly)

“Freedom and a path to optimum health and true happiness” (Emma)


Join the Challenge now for just AU $147!

“Sarah has so much knowledge to share and you can feel the genuine passion she has for helping other women live their best lives alcohol free.”

- Karen, April Challenge participant

“The unwavering support, camaraderie, understanding, kindness, care, love, and complete absence of judgement that I experienced during the July challenge was truly life changing. The fight continues but now I know it's never alone. On top of that, the resources and shared experiences, Sarah's constant commitment to be there for us and bring us on an actual journey throughout the month was worth every penny. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

- Tania, July Challenge participant

“2 young kids and hitting perimenopause in my early 40’s left me feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start. I started with improving diet and exercise and going on HRT but the one thing I sadly noticed was alcohol was getting in the way. Not to mention how horrendous it was now suddenly making me feel the next day. I came across Sarah through her well-being collective on Facebook and then jumped on the July challenge and 72 days later I don’t even miss it. The whole challenge has been a game changer for me. The reason why is the support of the amazing group of women, the zoom talks with all the wonderful guests and emails and podcasts. It made something I always thought not possible- possible!! I am now working with Zoe Morosini and it feels like this is the missing link in my puzzle. Thankyou Sarah. It wouldn’t have been possible without you and what you do. I’m on a journey to good health and now feel empowered and not overwhelmed.”

- Kate, July Challenge participant

So what are you waiting for?
Sign up now and start getting excited about what lies ahead!

Join the Challenge now for just AU $147!


This alcohol free challenge is NOT a replacement for an addiction treatment program.