What’s Hangxiety? And How to Know When It’s Real Anxiety

Ever had Hangxiety? You may have felt a jumble of nerves the morning after heavy drinking. You may have felt irritable, paranoid, and filled with dread.

That’s Hangxiety.

It’s hangover-related anxiety experienced the morning after a drinking session. So, why does a hangover make us feel anxious? And how do you know if it’s hangxiety or real anxiety?

Anxiety during a hangover affects around 12% of people and the severity depends on how much you drink…

Here is what’s contributing to Hangxiety:

1. Cortisol

When we drink alcohol, the brain releases cortisol which makes us then feel more anxious and stressed than before we drank.

Alcohol also changes levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain, which can worsen anxiety. Even 2-3 drinks can have an impact on the brain and worsen the anxiety the next day.

2. Social anxiety

If you have social anxiety and use alcohol to ‘warm you up’ for socialising, a big night can bring on severe hangxiety the next morning.

A person with social anxiety is going to wake up and feel extra anxious about what they may have said and done while under the influence of alcohol. If there are blackout points in the night they can’t remember, the hangxiety will be worse.

3. Your body is detoxing

Once alcohol hits your liver, your body goes to work trying to break it down. If you’ve overloaded your system, you may be feeling some psychological effects of alcohol withdrawal or ‘detox’. That might include nervousness, fatigue, depression, irritability, and increased anxiety.

4. You’re dehydrated

A big night out is the ultimate dehydrator. If you haven’t had gallons of water the night before and you wake up with a dry mouth and a headache, you’re dehydrated.

Studies show dehydration can exacerbate the symptoms of anxiety, making you feel extra irritable and nervous the next day.

5. You’re sleep-deprived

Some of us rely on our sleep so much that a big night out with little sleep can bring on extreme exhaustion the next day. We feel frayed, anxious, and unable to cope with the day. Anxiety may feel overwhelming until sleep is restored.

6. You’re filled with shame and regret

Shame and regret over our behaviour when we were drinking is enough to trigger anxiety. If you’ve woken up embarrassed about your behaviour, you’re going to feel anxious.

But, when is hangxiety real anxiety?

It’s one thing to feel extra nervous, irritable, and shaky after a big drinking session. But how do you know if you have real anxiety – and if regular drinking is making it worse?

Real anxiety doesn’t pass after a day or two after a hangover. It becomes the background of your day. It’s more than being worried or nervous.

An anxiety condition is not connected to an obvious event (such as a hangover) but occurs frequently and impacts your day-to-day functioning.

What to watch out for…

  • Panic attacks, racing heart, tightening of the chest, quick breathing, feeling wound up and edgy.

  • Avoiding situations that make you feel anxious which then impacts your social life, work, and study.

  • Excessive fear, worry, obsessive thinking, and catastrophizing.

If these symptoms of anxiety feel true for you, please seek help from a medical professional. And remember, alcohol exacerbates the symptoms of anxiety.

It may feel like alcohol “takes the edge off” anxious thoughts and relaxes you, but alcohol makes anxiety worse. You’ll wake up more anxious than before you started drinking.

P.S. If you need help giving up alcohol, I’m always here to provide support. Book a FREE Discovery Call with me and let’s see if I can help.

Watch the “10 Things I Be You Didn’t Know About Alcohol” Masterclass!

Do you know what alcohol does to our bodies? Come and watch this informative Masterclass to gain a deeper understanding of what effect alcohol has on our mind and body! It’s free to watch!


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