Stop Existing and Start Living in 5 Simple Steps

Have you ever asked yourself:

Is it time to stop existing and start living?

It’s a question I asked myself before I quit drinking. I kept thinking

“Is this it?”

“Is this all there is to my life?”

I wasn’t living, I was existing, getting through, numbing my way along.

When I quit drinking, I decided I would start living my life in all its fullness. I would uncover what my passion, purpose and values were and develop my own operating system. I gave myself a ‘life audit’ to assess what was working – and what wasn’t.

Ready to stop existing and start living?

Here are the 5 steps to stop existing and start living


1.   Know your values

When we know our values and create a life that’s aligned with them, we feel at peace. When I was drinking, I was living my life so far removed from my values, no wonder I felt so disgruntled and unhappy much of the time.

2.   Build your own operating system

Do you have your own unique system in place that ensures your mental and physical health is at its best? This has been a crucial part of me being more in control of my moods, emotions, how I relate to others and how I feel each day. Your operating system is the way you prioritise exercise, sleep, and nutrition.

3.   Start living more consciously

Notice what's happening inside you. What lights you up, what exhausts you, what triggers you, and what inspires you?

When we NOTICE what works and what doesn't, we can take steps to do more of the good stuff and less of the not-so-good. If we’re living on autopilot, we have no chance of being present and conscious.

4.   Let go of old beliefs

As adults, we are allowed to let go of the beliefs, values, rules, and opinions of our parents. But we rarely do. This work is SO important to create a more meaningful life. Identifying, challenging, and changing old beliefs is empowering.

5.   Do a Life Audit

Take time out to look back in. Objectively assess how things are going so you can make informed decisions moving forward as to how you want your life to be.

We don't have to accept 'average'. We don't have to live a mediocre life. We can tweak, change, enhance and edit our lives through both the smallest and biggest ways so that we feel aligned, content, fulfilled and purposeful.


3 signs you’re existing, not living…

1.  You wake up flat, exhausted, and unmotivated.

2.  You feel numb, disconnected from what’s going on around you, and distant from the people in your life.

3.  You’re missing a ‘spark’. That Thing that makes you feel creative, joyful, and inspired.


If you feel like you’ve been existing and not really living, you’re not alone. Often when we give up drinking, we realise we need to live life differently – and we’re not sure who we are anymore. We need to figure out HOW to live, rather than just exist.

That’s why I created my Rediscovering Me program. It’s an 8-week self-discovery program in a safe and supported environment of like-minded women. Doors close soon for the final Rediscovering Me program for 2022 - so join us! Sign up for Rediscovering Me Here.

Are you Ready to Rediscover YOU and Fall in Love with Life Again!

Join Rediscovering Me November 2022 the program that walks you through a step-by-step process to rediscover who you are and what’s important to you, to reignite your purpose, help you find direction and take control of your life so you can discover what’s important to you and live a more purposeful and fulfilling life.


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