10 Ways to Relax Instead of Drinking

You may have asked: “What can I do to relax instead of drinking?”

If alcohol is your “switch off” or the only way you can unwind after a big day at work, it can feel like there’s no other way to soothe your nervous system. The only trouble is, alcohol makes us feel more anxious and exhausted than we were before. It impacts our mood, sleep, and our mental health.

Why does alcohol feel relaxing?

Alcohol is a depressant. It slows down the processes in your brain and central nervous system and can make you feel relaxed in the short-term. It has the power to calm you down and make you feel more relaxed – in that moment. But these effects wear off quickly. The big dopamine hit that alcohol gives you drops away sharply. If you are prone to anxiety, or have trouble relaxing or unwinding, then alcohol ultimately makes it worse.


10 ways to relax instead of drinking

  1. Get moving.

    This is the easiest and one f the most effective ways to relax without reaching for a glass of wine. Simply go for a walk. Exercise will give you a good shot of endorphins, the feel-good chemical that triggers positive feelings.

  2. Create an AF drinking ritual.

    If it’s not so much the alcohol but the RITUAL behind that 5pm ‘knock off’ drink, then simply change the ingredient. Plan an alcohol-free drink that gives you the same feeling of a moment to stop and unwind (without the booze).

  3. Hang out with a friend.

    Spending time with people you like, especially the ones that make you laugh, releases feel-good hormones serotonin and oxytocin. Oxytocin calms the stress response (and curbs the urge to drink!). Plan a walk with your friend or meet up in your favorite cafe.

  4. Meditate.

    Meditation helps relieve stress, rather than briefly covering it up the way alcohol does. Meditation helps us quiet the mind and learn to live presently and powerfully. Download a meditation app on your phone and create a space for meditation – on your bed or a quiet spot in your home.

  5. Kitchen dance party.

    There’s nothing like turning up the music and dancing in the kitchen. Especially with your kids! Music releases dopamine (yep, the same feel-good chemical that floods our brain when we drink alcohol). Dance like no one is watching and notice how you feel afterwards.

  6. Wander in the garden.

    Immerse yourself in nature. Even if that means spending half an hour watering the garden straight after work. Make sure your feet are bare, feel the grass between your toes, and slow down enough to notice flowers, bees, and all the scents.

  7. Create a switch-off ritual after work.

    Create a step-by-step switch-off plan for as soon as you finish work. Perhaps that’s a hot shower, followed by your comfiest outfit (pajamas!), drinking your favorite tea, lighting a candle, getting your journal out… Whatever sounds nourishing to you, build it into a special ritual.

  8. Breathe.

    Simple right? Amazing how we forget that breathing deeply will quickly alleviate stress. Breathe in slowly and steadily, deep into your belly, counting to five. Repeat for five minutes.

  9. Read a book.

    Our screens can make us feel stressed and overwhelmed as they often give us information overload and we find ourselves jumping down rabbit holes online. You’ll never switch off from work if you are constantly checking emails and social media. Read a book instead.

  10. Create a calm environment.

    When your living space is enjoyable to be in, you’ll feel less stressed and overwhelmed. Make your environment relaxing to be in by introducing indoor plants, dim the lighting, light a few candles, and have some calming music playing quietly in the background. Changing the atmosphere of a room will make a huge difference to your mood.


P.S. Are you struggling to change your relationship with alcohol? There’s just enough time to join my 30-Day Alcohol-Free Challenge in October for 30 days of support, information, friendship and connection. Sign up for the challenge here. And read more about me here.



Join the October Alcohol Free Challenge!

Curious about taking a break from booze? Would like to give your body a chance to detox and reset? Join hundreds of women in my next Alcohol Free Challenge, and get 30 days of information, support and community!


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