Are You Sick & Tired of Feeling Sick & Tired? How Women Can Reclaim Their Energy & Create Fuller, More Fulfilling Lives

In a recent poll of my online community, I asked what the obstacles were to them living their best lives. Three things became clear: they lack self-belief, and they are drained of energy and motivation. They are feeling fed up and exhausted. Being a modern working woman puts a slow and steady drip on our energy and confidence.

We sometimes don't even realise we've become a shell of ourselves until it becomes our new 'normal'. So, how can women fight this fed up feeling and reinvigorate our confidence and our lives?

Let’s dive in…

1.    Self-Belief: The Missing Piece

Years of societal pressures, personal responsibilities, and self-doubt have accumulated for many women, eroding confidence, and self-belief. We often start questioning our worth, appearance, and abilities, leading to a sense of self-doubt that can be overwhelming.

Society's archaic and patriarchal standards of beauty and success can intensify these feelings. Social and mainstream media constantly portray youth and perfection as the ideal, leaving many mid-life women feeling unseen and unheard. Self-belief is essential for personal growth and happiness, and the absence of it can result in feelings of frustration and unhappiness. It’s a feeling of being up against. It’s hard not to absorb the external messaging when it is everywhere.

2.    Energy Drain: The Midlife Fatigue

Middle age often marks the peak of a woman's career and family responsibilities. Juggling a demanding job, caring for children, managing the domestic load, and possibly taking care of aging parents can be incredibly draining. As the years pass, the relentless daily grind can wear down even the most resilient individual.

Meanwhile, the physical changes associated with perimenopause and menopause, including hormonal imbalances, hot flashes, and sleep disruption, can also contribute to a lack of energy. The depletion of energy reserves can make us feel perpetually exhausted and incapable of pursuing our own interests and passions. Women are scrambling to ‘get back to’ themselves but not quite making it home. Time out to simply enjoy their lives falls to the very bottom of the To Do list.

3.    Waning Motivation: A Crisis of Purpose

Motivation, or the lack thereof, plays a significant role in women feeling fed up. As our children grow up, and career goals are met or altered, middle-aged women find themselves at a crossroads, asking, "What's it all for?" The absence of clear goals or a sense of purpose can lead to a sense of emptiness and despair. We are working hard but – who is it all for?

When the future seems uncertain and the past is a blur of responsibilities, it's common for midlife women to feel stuck in a rut. We often ask ourselves ‘What am I striving for? What’s my life’s purpose? What am I passionate about?’ Without time and energy to answer these questions, we continue to feel lost and untethered.

So, what to do next?

Here are some steps you can take to regain your self-belief, energy, and motivation:

1.    Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself and recognize that self-belief isn't dependent on external factors. Embrace self-love and practice self-compassion to boost your confidence. How do we do this? Ask yourself: What do I need right now? And get it. Praise yourself when things go well. Give yourself a break. Let yourself off the hook. Love and accept yourself, just as you are.

2.    Make Self-Care the Number ONE Priority

Let’s keep it simple: Focus on exercise, meditation, a balanced diet, and a quality sleep routine. These practices really do help replenish your energy levels. The trick is to schedule them into your day. Offload domestics and say No to others so you can say Yes to what you actually need.

3.    Set New Goals

Re-evaluate your goals and aspirations. It's never too late to embark on a different path. Setting new goals can provide a fresh sense of motivation. Create things to look forward to when you reach your goals. Plan ways to treat and reward yourself.

4.    Seek Support

Join an online community of women all having the same experience. There is no better way to feel connected and supported. You can join my Midlife Hub here.

5.    Embrace Change

Embracing change, even when it's uncomfortable, is essential for personal growth. It's an opportunity to explore new facets of your identity and redefine your purpose. Make this an exciting mission, a new chapter. Make the changes you need to make in order to design a life more aligned with your desires, needs and values.

This phase in life offers immense potential for personal growth, rediscovery and joy. You can find renewed self-belief, energy, and motivation, paving the way for a more fulfilling and vibrant future.

If you’d like to join an incredible group of women who have given up alcohol and are rediscovering who they are… My Rediscovering Me program opens for the last time this year in November. It’s 6 weeks of online group coaching to help you rediscover yourself and live a more vibrant, energised, and more purposeful life. You can check it out here. I’d love to support you!


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