5 Tips for a Successful Dry January

A successful Dry January takes some planning and special hacks to make staying sober easier, less stressful, and you may even enjoy it! If you’ve taken on the challenge of 30 days alcohol-free and your resolve is starting to wobble, I’ve got you…

Here are my 5 tips for a successful Dry January

1.   Understand that early sobriety is NOT how long-term sobriety feels

The early days of sobriety are nothing like long-term sobriety. The sleep issues, sweats, cravings, and general irritability you may feel in the first week generally don’t last.

Cravings do pass, sleep settles and irritability and anxiety are helped by sobriety, not made worse. The first few days are hard on your body, mind, and spirit. You need to keep in mind this phase will pass in a few weeks, so hang on! Get through early sobriety with more water, sleep, and self-care.

2.   Find a support group

Getting sober shouldn’t be done alone. A successful Dry January is a well-supported one so take on a sober buddy in person or online. Having others on the same journey will help you feel supported, seen, and understood.

Online sober buddies will be going through similar challenges and will have advice for you along the way. Feeling part of a sober community helps strengthen your resolve when you inevitably need to deal with drinking buddies or family members who may not ‘get’ your decision to go AF for a month.

3.   Keep the ritual, change the ingredient

Don’t give up your after-work knock-off drink!! Just change the ingredient. Find a special AF drink you enjoy and have it at the same time you would usually have alcohol to unwind. Is that at the end of the workday? At 6 pm while you’re cooking dinner for the kids? Make sure the AF drink is special and you look forward to it. Keep your ritual, change the ingredient.

4.   Keep it simple

Make life as simple as possible for a successful Dry January. Have a plan to exercise, get to bed early, and clear your calendar of potentially stressful events. Clear dates for social events you won’t want to go to. Don’t put yourself through additional stress this month. Exercise more, sleep more, and give yourself absolute compassion and care.

Ask: “What do I need at this moment? Water? A walk? To breathe deep?”

Ask also: “Do I want wine or am I just feeling bored, lonely, hormonal, tired, stressed, angry or hungry?”

5.   Stay inspired and keep learning

Keep your mind open for a successful Dry January. Read quit lit, listen to sober podcasts, and learn from an online community of people all on the same mission to change their relationship with alcohol.

You can’t unlearn what you’ll learn about alcohol this month. Stay inspired by my incredibly supportive online community The Women’s Wellbeing Collective on Facebook HERE. Stay informed, stay curiou,s and stay inspired by the people who can help you along the way.

Always remember, for a successful Dry January, keep it simple and put your own needs above all else.

P.S. If you’ve failed many attempts to quit drinking, don’t beat yourself up. It’s not easy! If you need help giving up alcohol, I’m always here to provide support. Book a FREE Discovery Call with me and let’s see if I can help.

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