10 Benefits of A Month Off Booze

There are many benefits in taking a month off booze – and not all of them are physical. Take a 30-day break from alcohol and you’ll feel less anxious, moody, and depressed. The link between alcohol and its impact on our mental health and emotional wellbeing is strong. The impact of a 30-day break from drinking can be dramatic.

So, what are the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of taking a month off booze?

1. Sleep quality

Does sleep affect every aspect of your life? Yes! When you drink alcohol, you fall into a deep sleep causing you to miss out on REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep – which is vital for our overall wellbeing. With improved sleep quality and more REM sleep, you are more productive, energised and in control throughout the day.

2. Hydration

Giving up alcohol helps you stay hydrated which not only impacts your digestion and skin health but benefits your brain. Proper hydration means less headaches, more vibrant skin, and the ability to concentrate for longer.

3. Less anxiety

Women often drink to ‘take the edge’ off anxiety but alcohol in fact, makes anxiety worse. Alcohol is like gasoline on anxiety. Take 30 days off booze and anxiety will lessen, making your feel calmer and less irritable.

4. Helps with weight loss

Alcohol contains a lot of calories. Even a G&T – which doesn’t taste especially sweet – has 4tsp of sugar. Take away the calories in alcohol and you’ll better manage your weight. Your body will also more easily absorb nutrients from food.

5. Radiant skin

Alcohol speeds up the aging process by breaking down collagen which keeps our skin firm and structured. Take a month off booze and you’ll give your skin a boost in hydration which will give it a radiant glow.

6. Relationships

If alcohol is behind bad communication and messy arguments with your partner, taking a month off booze will help. You’ll be able to communicate with confidence and clarity and stay yourself within a relationship.

7. Gut health

When you drink alcohol, your gut lining is irritated. That’s why you feel gassy, bloated, and often have diarrhea after a big night. Heal your gut lining improves not only digestion and the absorption of nutrients but your mood. A happy gut is directly linked to a happier mood.

8. Your mood

While alcohol temporarily boosts your mood, it’s a depressant that can make you more vulnerable to depression and anxiety. Drinking interferes with the neurotransmitters responsible for our mental health. It will lower the levels of serotonin in our brain that help regulate our mood. Give up drinking for 30 days and you’ll experience a more stable mood.

9. Connection

We can make deeper connections simply by being present with the people around us. We can engage with people in a more authentic way and stay ourselves. As parents, a break from drinking alcohol can make us more present with our children –especially at bedtime!

10. Pride and confidence

If you’ve ever wondered if you could take a 30-day break from booze, proving to yourself that you can, will fill you with pride. Confidence comes with a feeling of control, clarity, and self-care.

Are you ready for a 30-day break from alcohol?

Join my next 30-Day Alcohol-Free Challenge on January 8, 2023. A whole month of support, education and all the tools you need to change your relationship with alcohol for good. Check it out here. You can read some incredible success stories here.

And if you’d like to work with me 1:1 to change your relationship with alcohol, book a discovery call with me here. I can’t wait to support you.


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