Join The
30-Day Alcohol Free Challenge!
Sign up to the waitlist to be the first to hear when the doors to the next challenge open!
Are you ready to explore taking a break from the booze but don’t know how to start?
Then my 30-day Alcohol Free Challenge is the perfect starting point.
Let me help you feel energised, motivated, positive, healthy and focused while sharing ALL the strategies, tools, resources and info that have helped me.
I absolutely love supporting women across the globe to discover all the benefits of taking a break from booze, which for me have included:
Better Sleep ✔
Improved self-esteem ✔
Weight loss ✔
Glowing skin ✔
More time ✔
Better relationships ✔
Save money ✔
Improved health ✔
Improved energy and mental clarity ✔
New friendships and connections with like-minded women on the same path ✔
An amazing journey of self-discovery, self-compassion and self-love ✔
Sign up to the waitlist to be the first to hear when the doors to the next challenge open!
“Sarah's 30-day alcohol free challenge has been a blessing. I needed to understand my relationship with alcohol and take a break from my dependency on it. The ongoing support from Sarah and all the other women in the challenge, plus all the education and information really supported my journey and my success in being alcohol free for longer than I have been in a decade. But more importantly, I have learnt tools to support myself in place of numbing with alcohol. I am so grateful for how far I've come since starting my journey with Sarah in October 2021 and I am excited for what the future holds with her ongoing support.”
- Jody
“This challenge changed my attitude to alcohol through education about the real effects of alcohol on our bodies, live videos with Sarah who says it EXACTLY like it is and realising that my experience is the same as all the other ladies in the challenge. We were all dealing with the ever revolving trap that alcohol held us in. Sarah provided the pathway out of that trap and, after only 30 days, I am now in control. It feels fabulous!!!!”
- Sally Ann
What’s Included In This 30-Day Challenge?
➔ Daily Talks and Support
Info Q&A sessions with me both live and pre-recorded (and available to watch any time at all so no problem if you can’t join live and no problem what time zone you are in), talking about all topics on successfully living alcohol free for 30 days and the best ways to improve your wellbeing. In my live Q&A sessions, no question is off-limits (we talk about how to manage relationships with our partner when we embark on this challenge, navigating friendships when our friends are still drinking, sugar cravings, stress, triggers, socialising, sleep, neurotransmitters, moderation, sober sex, the change in our menstrual cycle, what to do when the wine witch comes calling at 5pm and much more!)
➔ Guest Expert Interviews
You will have access to incredible Guest expert interviews including some best selling international authors, Trail Blazers in the AF world, Nutrition and Hormone experts, Addiction and recovery experts, fellow mums and grey area drinkers sharing their inspirational true stories of why they knew they had to change their relationship with alcohol and how they did it. (see just a selection of the incredible guest experts below)
➔ Private Facebook Group
There is nothing quite like being in a like minded community of other women doing the same challenge at the same time, inspiring and supporting and encouraging each other. The secret to the huge success so many of my ladies experience (many of whom have tried EVERYTHING to stop drinking in the past) is the community I create in this group. It’s truly magical. Friendships are formed across the globe and it’s like having your own personal cheer squad! Past members always say that the community is one of the most valuable things they get from the challenge!
➔ A Printable Workbook PDF
A PDF Workbook which you can print out for journaling and recording your own personal journey.
➔ My Personal Library of Extensive Resources
ALL the resources that helped me find freedom from booze which includes books, podcasts, blog posts and ted talks. You will be so inspired and informed and I always say - you can’t not know what you now know. This challenge will change your whole mindset around alcohol.
➔ Constant Access to My Skills, Candid Honesty and Genuine Desire for You to Succeed!
Tap into my accredited skills, knowledge and experience gained from 5 years on the sober journey, professional qualification in wellness coaching and professional qualification in 'Grey Area Drinking' (read more about my background HERE). Also my candid honesty and genuine desire for you to succeed and experience the wonders that I have since ditching the booze!
Sign up to the waitlist to be the first to hear when the doors to the next challenge open!
The next round will be in January!
“I was a heavy home drinker for many years before and after I had my children, it was my way to hide my shyness and lonely and sad feelings or my way to cope with life when I felt anxious. I had told my doctors many times that I drank too much and that I also felt depressed. They just put me on antidepressants and told me to see a counsellor, this didn't work. I saw Sarah Rusbatch AF Challenge advertised and thought this may be my way to help myself without pills and I would be doing it for me and only me! Well I have been sober now for 33 days, I have started to lose weight, my brain and mind feels clear and free and I actually don't care about alcohol anymore, I feel empowered to say no to an alcoholic drink. I have gained respect for my body and have learnt how much alcohol can damage my body and how the alcohol industry has targeted us women to get us to continue drinking even when they know it is a major cause of cancer in us women. Today is the day that you need to make the change and go alcohol free, with support from Sarah Rusbatch and other women from around the world. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, just like me.”
- Leonie
“Sarah's AF challenge is amazing! She is so passionate about helping others and her knowledge is amazing. She provided all the tools, tips and resources to go AF. I highly recommend Sarah's challenges to anyone wanting to improve their health and wellbeing.”
- Vanessa
This Challenge is for you if…
✔️ You're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and would like to give yourself a break from booze but have previously struggled with all good intentions slipping aside when 5 pm hits and the ‘wine witch’ comes calling
✔️ You want the support to help build a toolkit of some other coping mechanisms (outside of the nightly wine) to help when you feel stressed, tired or need to just 'take the edge off'.
✔️ You're concerned that your drinking habits have been creeping up. While you don't consider yourself an 'alcoholic' you do feel more uncomfortable about the role alcohol plays in your life.
✔️ Previous attempts to take a break from alcohol have been hard due to peer pressure, not having the accountability or not having the connection with others on the same path (because I know how lonely it is when it feels like everyone around you is still drinking).
✔️ You want to change your MINDSET around alcohol so you aren't relying on it as such a crutch in your every day life.
✔️ You've taken time off alcohol in the past (perhaps you've done Feb Fast or Dry July) with all good intentions of changing your relationship with alcohol long term, but as soon as it's over, your drinking goes straight back to how it was before, your relationship with alcohol hasn't changed"
If you answer yes to any of these questions, this 30-day challenge will be perfect for you.
Whether you plan to take a month off or longer, doing it with the help and support of a trained and accredited grey area drinking coach who will provide you with all the resources, support and connection to give you the best possible chance of success while being part of an intimate and supportive group of women on the same path is the easiest way to do it.
Sign up to the waitlist to be the first to hear when the doors to the next challenge open!
“Dive in to Sarah Rusbatch's amazing and fun (yes, fun!) world of sobriety if you're in any way concerned about your drinking; if you're wondering if there are better ways to deal with stress, anxiety, and bad days, or if there are other ways to self-medicate and make yourself feel better. A glass of wine is also not necessarily what you need on a good day, either! Come and take some time to think and reflect on your personal relationship with alcohol in an incredibly supportive group who are all wondering the same thing as you: is my relationship with alcohol harming me and my family? There is so much we're not told about the damaging effects of alcohol and think about other ways to live in our Antipodean drinking cultures. I have been a fairly heavy drinker (personal assessment ;-) for over 40 years and Sarah's challenge has me motivated to see the world as a much larger and more exciting place than the small world I was creating for myself!”
- Jennie
“I did not want to see myself as an alcoholic due to the stigma in my family. I knew I wasn't a 10 but I also knew I wasn't a 1 either, on the drinking scale. What I did know is that I had an unhealthy dependency on alcohol and it was slowly breaking down my body and mind. Sarah gave me a balanced perspective on what was happening to me and the awareness of the normalisation of drinking in our society. Not only that but she provided me with expert information so I could make my own mind up about what to do. The word lifestyle change always scared me because I love my relaxed lifestyle living at the beach and didn't want it to change - but my perspective on food and alcohol had to! Together with Sarah and my functional nutritionist, I have been able to make the necessary sustainable changes.”
- Maureen, South Africa
Expect support and discussion on these important topics throughout the challenge in the form of live videos in our private Facebook group, as well as interviews with experts!
✔ Coping with those 5 pm cravings
✔ Managing socialising and events without alcohol
✔ Building a toolkit of other resources to support us when we are stressed, overwhelmed, tired, angry, frustrated (instead of just reaching for wine!)
✔ Navigating friendships when all our friends are still drinking
✔ Alcohol and our hormones and why alcohol affects us more as we age
✔ Nutritional support when we remove alcohol
✔ Changes in our menstrual cycle
✔ Relationships and how they change (including sober sex and what to do if our partner is still drinking and we are not)
✔ Moderation and mindset around alcohol
✔ Building our pillars of support whether we are long term sober or for the month
✔ Recognising triggers
✔ Changing habits and creating new (healthier!) ones
Sign up to the waitlist to be the first to hear when the doors to the next challenge open!
Next challenge will happen in January!
When I asked ladies in the last group to complete the sentence “Sobriety is...” this is what they had to say
Sobriety is…
“Feeling good every day” (Lynda)
“Time, connections, resilience, happiness, money” (Wendy)
“Freedom!!!” (Zoe)
“Being mentally present” (Jennifer)
“Better than expected” (Anna)
“My superpower” (Zoe)
“Hello ME!!!” (Monique)
“Better than expected, I finally understand being ‘present’” (Sophie)
“Being your authentic self” (Vicky)
“Happiness that I didn’t even know existed” (Louise)
“No longer dealing with the morning after ‘fear’” (Gale)
“No longer waking with hangxiety palpitations at 3am” (Kelly)
“Freedom and a path to optimum health and true happiness” (Emma)
Sign up to the waitlist to be the first to hear when the doors to the next challenge open!
Next challenge will happen in January!
As Seen On
This alcohol free challenge is NOT a replacement for an addiction treatment program.