How To Create a Life You Don’t Want to Numb From

When you create a life you don’t want to numb from, the urge to “take the edge off” with alcohol gets weaker and weaker. You create a life that’s healthier and more meaningful. You don’t get to the end of each day feeling desperate to unwind, switch off or simply go numb.

So, how to do it? How do we create a life that we don’t need to escape from or drag ourselves through each day?

I’ll show you…

How to create a life you don’t want to numb from

1. Prioritise the basics

That means taking care of your sleep, exercise, nutrition, and stress management as a priority. Don’t skip your walk, forget to meal plan healthy options, and let stress take over. These pillars of a healthy life will keep you feeling balanced, in control and energised.

2. Look for joy glimmers each day

Be the kind of person who can spot glimmers of joy in small moments. A flower in bloom, cuddles with the kids, the change of seasons. Slow down and take in the glimmers.

3. Do something that makes you happy every day

Yes, everyday! Not when you eventually find time for yourself. Schedule an activity you love that makes you happy every day. Does wandering around your garden in bare feet watering the plants make you happy? Make time for that. Rather than rushing and not fully enjoying.

4. Say No

Having good boundaries is the ability to say No to people. It means you are saying No to others, so you can honour your own needs.

5. Micro doses of stress management

Take time out during your day to give yourself micro doses of stress management. Micro doses make a huge difference to your stress levels. Start with two minutes of breath work. Or, try two minutes of meditation. Give yourself a body scan. Where are you feeling tense? Release it.

6. Connect with people who energise you

Make time for the people in your life who energise and inspire you. The ones you walk away from feeling great about yourself – and life.

7. Do something that interests you

Don’t put off a new hobby or start a new project. Get it moving and commit. Read something new, watch a Ted talk or read a book that’s been recommended.

8. Set goals – big and small

Goals help us feel like we’re always moving towards something positive. Make big goals and small ones too. Make sure they are realistic and measurable.

9. Keep a gratitude journal

Write down all the things you are grateful for. Another approach to gratitude is to mentally go through your day just before sleep and ask yourself ‘What went well today?

Go through all the big and small moments that went well. Be grateful for YOU making those things happen.

10. Outsource what you can

If you’re the kind of person who tries to do everything - to the detriment of their health and happiness, you might get to the end of the day feeling exhausted (and needing to numb yourself). Instead, it’s time to delegate and outsource small tasks that others can do for you.

P.S. Phew! It’s not easy changing our lives so we can live in a healthier and happier way. If you need help giving up alcohol and living well, I’m always here to provide support. Book a FREE Discovery Call with me and let’s see if I can help.

Last Chance to Join Sarah’s Christmas Sober Tribe!


Get support to stay alcohol free all the way to Christmas! It comes with a dedicated Facebook Group, Zoom calls, training and resources to help you stay sober in the silly season.

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