Join the October
30-Day Alcohol Free Challenge

Wherever you are in the world, I can’t wait to offer you 30 Days of Support, Connection and Resources to successfully change your habits, patterns and mindset around alcohol!

Are you ready to change your habits, behaviours and mindset around alcohol, but don’t know how to start?

Then my 30-day Alcohol Free Challenge is the perfect starting point.

Let me help you feel energised, motivated, positive, healthy and focused while sharing ALL the resources and information that has helped me to completely change my mindset and habits around alcohol.

I absolutely love supporting women across the globe to discover all the benefits of taking a break from booze, which for me have included:

Better Sleep and More Energy ✔
Less Anxiety ✔
Weight loss and Glowing Skin ✔
More time to explore new hobbies and interests ✔
Improved relationships ✔
Save money ✔
New friendships and connections with like-minded women on the same path ✔
An amazing journey of self-discovery, self-compassion and self-love ✔

As the saying goes 'nothing changes if nothing changes' and perhaps you will find, like so many others, that this change is the catalyst to so many other wonderful and incredible changes in your life!

Join the October AF Challenge for AU $197
Join now for only AU $97! (approx. £51)

Use code YESAFOCT at checkout
Challenge kicks off on Tuesday, 1st of October

*Price shown excludes 10% GST which will be added at checkout.

“The challenge was the best thing I ever did for myself; it gave me the ability to fully commit to a month off booze in a secure private group full of honest conversations and heartfelt support. I learned so much from Sarah, from guest speakers, and from myself. I loved having no hangovers or crap in my head and gained better sleep, clarity, focus, new energy, and happiness. Do the course, invest in yourself, and find a new you away from booze. Xx “

- Janeen, Australia, Challenge Participant

“I loved everything about Sarah’s challenge. Her enthusiasm and passion on this subject were infectious, and her own personal experience was an inspiration. The speakers were all absolutely top-notch, knowledgeable, and inspiring in their chosen fields. I would highly recommend Sarah’s course to anyone wanting to quit alcohol or even those who are just sober curious. You’ll be surprised at the outcome!”

- Alison, France, Challenge Participant

This challenge was more than just a challenge. It was educational, empowering, and emotional. I am looking forward to doing the next one. The guest speakers are amazing, and the support network is the cherry on top. Highly recommended!”

- Katie, Australia, Challenge Participant

“I signed up to the challenge to have a break and reset with a view to reducing the amount I was drinking. I had no idea how powerful it would be and the profound shift that would happen in my mind. The combination of education, coaching, support and community is a game changer. I immersed myself in all the resources and loved the whole experience. Now on day 35, I feel healthier, happier, calmer and more positive about my life and my future. I want to keep going with being alcohol free and for this to be the new me. I’m so thankful I signed up. Thank you, Sarah!”

- Caroline, Sydney, Challenge Participant

“This challenge was a total game changer for me — all of the education and tools provided over the 30 days were enough for me to go from drinking a bottle of wine a night to being able to do 30 days alcohol-free and now beyond that. The support of the group was a huge motivator — so many women in exactly the same position as me. Sarah is so passionate and dedicated to helping women change their relationship with alcohol for good. She does it in a really non patronising way and her energy and enthusiasm is contagious! I would highly recommend this challenge to anyone questioning their drinking habits. “

- Kate, Sydney, Challenge Participant

What’s Included In This 30-Day Challenge?

➔ Daily Lessons and Accountability for 30 days

You will receive one lesson from Sarah every day. These short, easy-to-consume lessons (most of them are less than 10 minutes long) are the absolute foundation of this challenge and the reason for its HUGE success. We go deep into discussing a wide range of important topics including:

  • Managing those 5pm cravings

  • Navigating our friendships and relationships when we aren’t drinking

  • How our hormones impact our cravings and how you can support yourself

  • The 7 most common reasons we crave alcohol and what to do about them

  • Building a toolkit of new strategies to manage stress and overwhelm outside the evening wine

  • How alcohol affects our sleep and how to get a great night’s sleep

  • Sugar cravings and how to manage them

  • Sober socialising

  • Changing our entire mindset around alcohol and challenging our long held beliefs

  • The daily accountability check in is a huge component of the success my ladies experience in these challenges.

….and more! This is just a snapshot!

➔ Guest Expert Interviews

Access to incredible Guest expert interviews including:

  • Best Selling International Authors

  • Trail Blazers in the AF world

  • Nutrition and Hormone experts

  • Addiction and recovery experts

  • Real-life stories from fellow mums and grey area drinkers sharing their inspirational true stories of why they knew they had to change their relationship with alcohol and how they did it. (see just a selection of the incredible guest experts below)

➔ Private Facebook Group

There is nothing like being in a community of other women doing the same challenge at the same time; inspiring, supporting and encouraging each other. The secret to the huge success so many of my ladies experience (many of whom have tried EVERYTHING to stop drinking in the past) is the community we created in this group. It’s truly magical. Friendships are formed across the globe and it’s like having your own personal cheer squad! Past members always say that the community is one of the most valuable things they get from the challenge!

➔ A Printable Workbook PDF

A PDF Workbook which you can print out for journaling and recording your own personal journey.

➔ My Personal Library of Extensive Resources

ALL the resources that helped me find freedom from booze including books, podcasts, blog posts and ted talks. You will be so inspired and informed and I always say - you can’t not know what you now know. This challenge will change your whole mindset around alcohol.

You’ll also have access to the content for 5 months post-program so you can revisit the content and resources after the challenge shall you wish to!

➔ Constant Access to My Skills, Candid Honesty and Genuine Desire for You to Succeed!

Tap into my accredited skills, knowledge and experience gained from 5 years on the sober journey, professional qualification in wellness coaching and professional qualification in 'Grey Area Drinking' (read more about my background HERE). Also my candid honesty and genuine desire for you to succeed and experience the wonders that I have since ditching the booze!

Join the October AF Challenge for AU $197
Join now for only AU $97! (approx. £51)

Use code YESAFOCT at checkout
Challenge kicks off on Tuesday, 1st of October

*Price shown excludes 10% GST which will be added at checkout.

Why Join The AF Challenge?

This Challenge is for you if…

✔️ You're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and would like to give yourself a break from alcohol.

✔️ You want to change your MINDSET and HABITS around alcohol so you aren't relying on it as such a crutch in your everyday life.

✔️ You're concerned that your drinking habits have been creeping up. While you don't consider yourself an 'alcoholic' you do feel uncomfortable about the role alcohol plays in your life.

✔️ Previous attempts to take a break from alcohol have been hard due to peer pressure, not having the accountability or not having the connection with others on the same path (because I know how lonely it is when it feels like everyone around you is still drinking).

✔️ You want support to help build a toolkit of some other coping mechanisms (outside of the nightly wine) to help when you feel stressed, tired or need to just 'take the edge off'.

✔️ You've tried to take a break in the past but all good intentions slip aside when 5pm hits and the wine witch comes calling. Or you successfully take a month off but then head straight back into the same drinking patterns as if it never happened.

If you answer yes to any of these questions, this 30-day challenge is perfect for you!

Whether you plan to take a month off (or longer), doing it with the help and support of a trained and Accredited Grey Area Drinking Coach will provide you with all the resources, support and connection you need for success.

And the best part? You do it all in the company of an intimate and supportive group of women on the same path.

“My family and friends have been concerned for my health and well being with how alcohol gripped my life and stole ME, the true essence of who I am. 30 days later I am genuinely happy! More relaxed and can negotiate the highs and lows from a centered sense of rationality. I love not panicking about running out of wine, how I'm going to get home from a night out, and waking up minus all the anxiety, guilt, shame, and physical effects of booze. Thank you Sarah for holding this safe space to learn, heal and grow. I'm looking forward to starting Rediscovering Me.”

- Simone, Australia, Challenge Participant

“When I signed up for this challenge, I wanted to take a 30-day break from alcohol, possibly more. What I got, though, was a complete mindset change when it came to the role that alcohol plays in our lives. The group was so supportive. Sarah provides motivation with Facebook live chats, guest speakers, and a lot of resources, all of which aim to help us get out of the hold that alcohol has on our lives.

For me personally, the biggest change was in my mental wellbeing. I feel so much less anxious, less overwhelmed by life in general, sleep better, and I feel like I'm a nicer person to be around. “

- Angela, New Zealand, Challenge Participant

“Taking on the 30-Day Alcohol Free Challenge was a game-changer! Feeling fantastic and not missing alcohol one bit. Sarah’s support was invaluable, and the community backing made it a breeze. Highly recommend!!”

- Karen, Perth, Challenge Participant

“The AF 30-Day Challenge is an absolute game changer; in fact, it is a life changer. Sarah has created a safe, supportive space that allows you to embark on this ultimate journey of self-care with ease and confidence. There is so much vital information to read, brilliant podcasts to listen to, fascinating expert interviews to watch, and a real sense of belonging to a wonderful group of women facing the same challenge and supporting each other along the way. My one regret is not finding Sarah sooner!”

- Robyn, Perth, Challenge Participant

“Sarah has been instrumental in turning my life around. I didn’t realise how much alcohol was taking from me until I stopped. Over such a short period, I’ve learnt so much and my life has flourished. Not only am I becoming the very best version of myself, but I also have a wealth of knowledge and a huge support group behind me. ”

- Lucy, UK, Challenge Participant

Join the October AF Challenge for AU $197
Join now for only AU $97! (approx. £51)

Use code YESAFOCT at checkout
Challenge kicks off on Tuesday, 1st of October

*Price shown excludes 10% GST which will be added at checkout.

  Guest Expert Interviews


Dr. Rebecca Ray

Dr. Rebecca Ray y is a clinical psychologist, author and speaker who helps big-picture-thinking people master their psychology. Over the course of two decades of consultations, speaking events, books, and audio, she has encouraged thousands of humans making an impact on the world to live a life that's fulfilling, unapologetic, and free.

Beck’s expertise as a professional zig-zagger sets her apart as one of Australia’s most in-demand and authoritative voices in the personal development space. Her science-backed, hard and heart truth approach is uniquely informed by her pivots from pilot to psychologist, from dating men to marrying a woman, and from being burnt out to bestselling author.

Beck is the author of six books, including Be Happy, The Art of Self-Kindness, The Universe Listens to Brave, Setting Boundaries, Small Habits for a Big Life, and Difficult People (released in May 2023).

Samantha Perkins

Samantha Perkins is the author of the best-selling book Alive AF—One Anxious Mom’s Journey to Becoming Alcohol Free and co-author of the best-selling books The Epiphanies Project—Twenty Personal Revelations and Boy Moms—Collective Tales of Mothers and Sons. Samantha is a TEDx speaker who is passionate about sharing her discovery of the role that alcohol plays in our everyday lives.

Her writing has been featured in Her View From HomeAuthority Magazine, and others. Samantha teaches influential workshops on the impact that alcohol has on mental health and how media influences our perception of alcohol. Samantha has over ten years of experience working in community mental health and is an advocate for helping people reevaluate their views around alcohol and become empowered decision-makers. 

Jen Vellare

Jen Veralle (formerly Gilhoi) Is an advocate for and creator of healthy social experiences that decentralize alcohol. Her journey spans two decades of alcohol misuse, a decade (Jul 28, 2014) of an alcohol-free lifestyle, corporate roles, and entrepreneurial ventures. She shatters stigmas around choosing not to drink by inviting others to engage in self and societal inquiry to heal and be well.

In her life and work, Jen is fascinated with the art of gathering and intentional conversations. She's an event experience strategist and founder of Sparktrack; a writer and conversationalist cracking open society's role in addiction at; and cofounder of Zero Proof Collective, where business leaders and those interested in the nonalcoholic beverages industry thoughtfully connect, collaborate, and share resources to advance zero-proof options, experiences, and social spaces. Jen also cofounded Sauna and Sobriety in May 2023, which has earned notoriety in MplsStPaul Magazine and The New York Times (Feb 17, 2024).

Sharon Hartley

Sharon Hartley is a full-time BBC radio presenter, co-host of the Over The Influence (OTI) alcohol-free podcast and co-founder of the OTI online community. Sharon is also a qualified life coach after successfully completing the triple-accredited Diploma in Coaching & Positive Psychology with the internationally acclaimed coach, Andy Ramage. Since stopping drinking, Sharon has inspired thousands globally to try life without booze and is relentlessly passionate about showing others that not only is it possible, it’s fun, exciting and far from boring!

When she’s not singing loudly about sobriety, Sharon can be found hiking in the mountains, walking by the coast and laughing with her family. She lives in Lancashire, England, with her husband, their three children, Bo the beagle and their tortoise, Humphrey. Sharon's first book, 'The Life-Changing Magic of Quitting Alcohol,' is being released in January 2025 and is available for pre-order on Amazon. 

Pippa Campbell

Pippa Campbell is a functional nutritionist, author, and entrepreneur specializing in weight loss. She founded Pippa Campbell Health and authored "Eat Right to Lose Weight."

Having suffered with chronic gut issues and PMT from a young age which was resolved through nutritional changes, Pippa understands what it feels like to have hormonal imbalances and unresolved gut problems. She often uses DNA testing through the lab LifecodeGX to establish what may be at the root cause of weight issues, hormonal imbalances and many other health conditions. 

Pippa has also spoken at a variety of corporate events for companies such as, Standard Bank and Ogier Law firm and has contributed to The Editors list to do a series of talks on 'Beauty Inside & Out.’

This year Pippa released her first book 'Eat Right Loose Weight' an individual blueprint for weightless. Pippa has also launched her very own range of supplements, Pippa Campbell Health as well as her members only support group, The Food Female Club.

Dave Wilson (aka Sober Dave)

David is a grey area drinking and mindset coach, author of the best selling book ‘One for the Road’, podcast host and ambassador for alcohol change UK.

In December 2018, David was in a very different place. His marriage was in a really bad way, his weight had spiralled out of control, and his blood pressure was dangerously high. He knew he had to do something and tried moderating, but lasted two days. Hiding alcohol from his wife had somehow become part of the norm, and he had virtually lost all conscience about doing so, he felt that he had completely lost all respect for himself. He knew he was better than this, yet alcohol took over his thoughts on a daily basis.

David began 2019 the same as ever: drinking like a fish and very much still in denial about how serious his drinking was, but equally aware that it had to end. After being challenged by a friend to give up alcohol for 3 months, he gave it up and hasn’t looked back since! David trained to become a grey area drinking coach and now helps others to give up alcohol by speaking about his journey at various events and through his podcast ‘One for the Road.’.

Dr. Sarah Gilchrist

Dr. Sarah Gilchrist FBASES spent over 20 years working in the high performance sport industry, latterly as a Technical Lead for the UK Sports Institute (formerly the English Institute of Sport) and Senior Physiologist with British Rowing. Her doctorate specialised in sleep and athletic performance and she now provides consultancy on a range of performance areas, particularly relating to female sleep health, through her own consultancy, Gilchrist Performance.

Sarah is on the Advisory Board for the Sleep Charity, a fellow of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences and is High Performance Sport Accredited. She is also an associate at The Active Women’s Clinic, where she provides insight into female sleep health as part of their overall health support consultancy.

Annie Murray

Annie is a fitness trainer with a passion to encourage people to find a way of becoming fitter, healthier and be the best version of themselves. She believes a healthy lifestyle is in everyone’s reach, no matter how hectic their lives are, what level their fitness is and what stage of life they are at. Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves. Annie is the fittest she has ever been at the age of 54 after quitting drinking in 2017. Annie will be sharing details of her journey and offer tips on how to stay motivated, strong and build healthy habits.

Louisa Evans

Louisa is a cognitive behavioural therapist, podcast host and sobriety author who began her journey to sobriety in 2022. It wasn't a straightforward path, despite having all the tools she has in her clinic and ended up stuck in a resetting loop for a couple of months which affected her mental health.

It finally clicked for Louisa when she worked out why she had been sabotaging herself and made the necessary mindset shifts.  Louisa is on a mission to spread the word that sober is certainly not boring, in fact far from missing out on anything, you are free to truly enjoy life.

…and more!

Hear from past challenge participants!

See for yourself how going Alcohol Free for just one month can change you physically!

Check out these Before & After Challenge Photos from past participants!

Join the October AF Challenge for AU $197
Join now for only AU $97! (approx. £51)

Use code YESAFOCT at checkout
Challenge kicks off on Tuesday, 1st of October

*Price shown excludes 10% GST which will be added at checkout.

“If you want to examine your relationship with alcohol in the company of supportive women and people who have had experiences similar to yours, join now. The challenge was so totally wonderful, educational, inspiring, helpful, and eye-opening.”

- Marilynne, California, Challenge Participant

“Being Canadian, I wasn't sure if there would be a disconnect due to time or cultural differences. Boy, was I wrong! The quality of the information and support is excellent. I found the daily videos a great way to start my day and the daily accountability was very motivating to stay on track. There are live Zoom talks, live guest speakers and so much more. Sarah understands how hard it is to give up alcohol and really gets the struggles of a midlife woman, as she is one herself.

If you are thinking of taking a break from drinking or want support to really establish your sobriety, Sarah's 30-Day Challenge will help you immensely. You will feel seen and heard, even if you live on the other side of the world.”

- Stephanie, Canada, Challenge Participant

“I knew I needed to consider alcohol consumption, that it wasn't good for my health or for me as a person. The program not only supported this, without judgement, but gave me an evidence based 'why'. A 'warts and all', but scientifically based in plain English, reason that alcohol is not great for our health or for me as a person.”

- Jo, Tasmania, Challenge Participant

“This course has finally given me the tools to change my relationship with alcohol (I am 64 years old!) After many years of binge drinking, I have been able to reframe my beliefs and initiate healthier habits. I don’t think you’re ever too old for benefits such as this, and I am excited about what my future holds!“

- Lisa, Victoria, Challenge Participant

“Sarah’s knowledge, expertise and support throughout the 30-day AF challenge have honestly been life-changing. My outlook and my relationship with alcohol have transformed for the better; it’s given me strength to question myself, hold myself accountable, and, most importantly, given me a taste of how it feels to live life without the grey cloud of trying to moderate and the daily will I/won't.

I’ve learnt it’s so much easier to choose zero than to battle with trying to control, and that has brought pure freedom and weightlessness. I’m so grateful for you, Sarah. I can’t wait to keep working with you and carrying on this road to bettering myself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Thank you!”

- Alex, Perth, Challenge Participant

Join the October AF Challenge for AU $
Join now for only AU $97! (approx. £51)

Use code YESAFOCT at checkout
Challenge kicks off on Tuesday, 1st of October

*Price shown excludes 10% GST which will be added at checkout.

FAQ's And The Answers From Previous Participants

Q: What did you love most about the challenge?

“I really enjoyed the education about alcohol and what it does to our bodies. Also loved the live videos and being able to rewatch the one's I missed due to work.”

“Sarah's content and delivery turbocharge you toward hitting and holding down that big, old 'I am not going to drink' button. “

“The education and the constant support from Sarah's lives, posts and other women in the challenge.”

“The information about hormones.“

“The honesty of the conversations, the group in which the ladies supported each other and how Sarah always took the time to acknowledge each individual person.”

Q: What has been your biggest takeaway from the challenge?

“What I have learnt about alcohol and its impact on the body.”

“Alcohol’s effect on the body and hearing like-minded women's stories.”

““You can't un-know what you now know... Nice one Sarah... you live in my brain now... LOL.”

“I don’t want to drink again!”

“So much knowledge! So much support! Sarah and others she interviewed showing how good life can be AF!”

“That there is a world of possibilities that I never knew. I understand the science and psychology of alcohol use much better.”

Q: Has the challenge changed your mindset around alcohol?

“Totally changed my mindset. I believe that I will be able to remain alcohol free forever - but taking it one day at a time.”

“Definitely... From: I don't want to drink To: There is no f#cking way I am going to drink.”

“Yes. I truly wish I had learnt all of these years ago and saved so much of my time.”

“I was ready to stop it simply cemented my reasons why.”

“I feel my mindset has changed and the world won't end if I'm not drinking alcohol anymore.”

“That there is a world of possibilities that I never knew. I understand the science and psychology of alcohol use much better.”

Watch Sarah’s latest interview with Channel 10!

“If you’re beginning to think about your drinking habits being problematic - even in the slightest, you NEED to do this challenge.

If you’re beginning to think that the drink/moderate/not drinking/drinking again/trying to moderate cycle is absolutely not serving you, you NEED to do this challenge.

If those wine bottles seem to add up rather quickly as you pop your bins out to be collected each week, you NEED to do this challenge.

If you seem to make ‘reasons’ or ‘excuses’ as to why you’re at the pub again, ordering your 4th glass of wine without realising, you NEED to do this challenge.

If you’re like me - a high functioning, career-driven, family orientated mum who needs to create a whole lot more clarity in their lives, you NEED to do this challenge.

I’m absolutely the best evidence of someone who came across Sarah’s website without even looking - and as fate would have it, it’s exactly what I needed to do.

I didn’t think that my drinking was what it had become - I was stressed, feeling defeated and knew there was a much better life out there for me.

Sarah is without doubt, the best person who offers this form of coaching. I have woken up each day excited about what I was about to learn from her and the guidance she has provided is truly life changing. The podcasts, interviews and live chats are so well presented and I can guarantee that they will connect with everyone’s story and life contexts - no matter your situation.

If you have just the slightest ‘inkling’ that your beliefs and behaviours around alcohol may need some challenging, and possibly changing, the AF challenge is what you need.

Thank you SO much Sarah. I’m definitely joining up again for the next AF challenge. I can’t wait!”

- Ellie, NSW

So what are you waiting for?
Sign up now and start getting excited about what lies ahead!

Join the October AF Challenge for AU $197
Join now for only AU $97! (approx. £51)

Use code YESAFOCT at checkout
Challenge kicks off on Tuesday, 1st of October

*Price shown excludes 10% GST which will be added at checkout.

Sarah’s Recent Awards

“Committing to Dry July with Sarah was a life-changing event for me. From the first week, I honestly started to delve into who I actually am, where I want to be (even in one year's time), and the reasons why I've been using alcohol for so many years. I feel awake, alive, and free. Thank you, Sarah; you are inspirational!”

- Linda, Australia, Challenge Participant

“Sarah’s knowledge, expertise and support throughout the 30-day AF challenge have honestly been life-changing. My outlook and my relationship with alcohol have transformed for the better; it’s given me strength to question myself, hold myself accountable, and, most importantly, given me a taste of how it feels to live life without the grey cloud of trying to moderate and the daily will I/won't.

I’ve learnt it’s so much easier to choose zero than to battle with trying to control, and that has brought pure freedom and weightlessness. I’m so grateful for you, Sarah. I can’t wait to keep working with you and carrying on this road to bettering myself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Thank you!”

- Alex, Perth, July 2024 Challenge Participant

“If you want to change the way you think about alcohol then this is the right challenge for you. Having used willpower to get myself through several Dry Januarys and Sober Octobers over the years I saw Sarah’s July challenge and thought i’d give it a go. So glad i did! Such interesting content, packed full of videos, reading lists, guest speakers, podcast recommendations etc. Well worth signing up for!”

- Sarah, UK, Challenge Participant


This alcohol free challenge is NOT a replacement for an addiction treatment program.